Thursday, May 31, 2007


Weirdly, I feel seasick. Maybe it's because the fluids in my ears are especially... Sensitive today. Which makes the slightest tilt of my head make me feel all giddy. So now I'm trying to keep my head as straight as possible, and not give the fluids a bad jolt.

I've no idea why this is happening, and when this started. But just now, I launched myself into my bed for a rest, disturbing the fluids in my ear very badly, and it seemed as though my whole room was rocking from left to right.

Promptly I felt an urge to puke! For which I jetted off of my bed, only to make the little pool of fluids in my ear even more choppy. @_@ Dizzy-giddy-giddy-dizzy!

Then I held my puke back, held my head straight, and tried to steady myself.

Perhaps now I should go nap, and everything will feel better. But this time round, I'll make sure I lie myself gently down on my bed.

*** Smiled at 5:09 PM ***

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fishing for Idioms!

I think that everything went super well for the Language Arts Fest! I bet you, our booth was the prettiest and had the longest queue! =D

But one thing I've learnt; never underestimate young kiddoes, but don't overestimate them either! I.e. Gotta' estimate them just right xD

Because in our wonderful game, the kiddoes have to fish half an idiom out of the fishtank, and complete it to successfully get their stamp and prize. So we decided to have 3 difficulty levels for them, easy, medium and hard; thinking that we shouldn't underestimate kids these days.

Today I found out that we wrong! The kids can't even complete the easiest of idioms and we had to give them so many clues! After which they gave the funniest replies...

*Kiddo 1 fishes out a card.*
Us: Curiosity killed the...?
Kiddo 1: Err, I dunno'...
*Us think: Huh isn't this quite simple?*
Us: OK, here's a clue. It ends with just one word, and it's an animal.
Kiddo 1: Err, rabbit?
Us: '_'

*Kiddo 2 fishes out a card.*
Us: Money is the root of all...?
Kiddo 2: Life?
Us: '_'

*Kiddo 3 fishes out a card.*
Us: Have a whale of a...?
Kiddo: Mime?
*Me thinks: Only when you play charades can you have a whale of a mime!*

*Kiddo 4 fishes out a card.*
Us: One man's meat...?
Kiddo 4: Is another man's bones?
Us: O_o

Guess the kids need more help with idioms!

*** Smiled at 6:57 PM ***

Saturday, May 26, 2007

And the Oscar for Worst Actor goes to...

Today's gonna' be the last day of the Things Fall Apart movie filming, and I think it's been quite a good learning experience for me. =)

I dunno', I'm not exactly the actor; more like the quiet, inexpressive guy. So it was kind of difficult for me to break out of my shell all this time. But shouldn't there have been many other opportunities for me to act before? Heh, truth is, I've always escaped from being one of the actors by opting to be one of the backstage or prop guys xD

But this time round I had 3 roles! Two of them are just extra-ing at the back lah, hur. But the other was more than that; I had quite a few lines!

Well I'll only see the movie sometime next term, and I'll bet you I'll look terrible on screen >.> But at least I tried, and that nabs me a Worst Actor Oscar, instead of nothing at all if I hadn't even tried. ^^

*** Smiled at 8:00 AM ***

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blood, Sweet Blood

I have mosquito bites all over me, especially after filming for the Things Fall Apart movie yesterday at the backfield! If you look at my legs right now, you'd see red spots everywhere and it's so itchy!


Must stop myself from scratching... Must 忍...!

But really, I don't understand why I always get bitten by so many mosquitoes! Even at home, I'd always get 1 or 2 new bites when I wake up every morning, while my brother hardly ever gets any. It's so unfair!

But I always tell myself that it's because I'm such a sweet person. =D Yes, yes, of course! Mosquitoes love drinking my blood; which mosquito can resist my sweet O+ blood? None!

*** Smiled at 8:07 PM ***

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rest In Peace

The worse thing ever imaginable has happened to my family! T_T Now that it's gone, how will we ever survive?! What more reason is there to carry on living?! NOO~

Our telly dieded. X_X


Actually it's gone on for the pass few weeks already; suddenly our telly would just black out and appear as just a blue screen -- We knew our telly was dying. But those few times, we always managed to give it that extra jolt to bring it back to life by smacking it real hard. And our dear telly would revive itself to bring back to us the endless entertainment that my family needed to survive.

But this morning was different! *sobs* We hit it, smacked it, shook it, slapped it... But it never woke up! After that my mum and I spent the morning at the dining table staring blankly at each other in unthinkable boredom.

Hopefully my dad the telly doctor can repair it when he gets back. =\ If not... If not... We'll have to find a nice spot under a tree for our dearest telly to rest in peace. T_T

*** Smiled at 10:51 AM ***

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pwned By Chess

How can anyone not know how to play chess?

Why not? I'm the living proof! Yes, you got that right; I've no idea how to play International Chess or Chinese Chess.

I remember I tried learning when I was 8. It was my first plane ride ever! On Malaysian Airlines to Gold Coast, Australia. And they gave out these little chess sets to play on board, so with my hands on that little chess set, little curious me wanted to learn how to play it. I tugged at my dad's sleeve and got him to teach me, but I think I didn't get pass the movements for each piece. xD I tried learning from the instruction sheet but I gave up too.

And then I never tried again. Maybe I should try again sometime, though... How embarassing to be pwned by chess. xD

*** Smiled at 11:42 PM ***

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Little More Effort

It was, seriously speaking, a MOUNTAIN of books. After 3 weeks of having none of us friendly school librarians around, the books piled up to one gigantic heap. Then everything was in a disarray; books just lying here and there, no one bothering to put their books back from where they got them.

At the end of the day my back hurt, my fingers were cramped and I was sneezing from all the dust. Oh and I was sweating too, in the air-conditioned library, how funny. And nope, we didn't finish with the tidying, and had to leave it for tomorrow.

I really don't understand why some people can't make a little more effort in helping to keep the library tidy sometimes. Can't you just help by pushing your chair in when you're done? Not just in the library, but anywhere else in the world; please be a gentleman and push in your seat when you're done, thanks. Or just place the books back from where you found them, so that other people can find them easily next time, right? Help other people, help yourself! And please, is it it very difficult to throw your rubbish on your way out from the library? Sheesh!

Or maybe I should thank them for giving us librarians something to do, haha. But sometimes I just really wonder why some people can't put in a little more effort. =\

*** Smiled at 9:14 PM ***

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dr. KW

I was at the hospital visiting my gramps this afternoon, and seeing the doctors hard at work, it just made me think of how I had wanted to be one when I was young. Me? A doctor? Now very hard to imagine right? Haha, now I can't think of myself as one either!

But it was because I thought that doctors were such helpful people in society, I guess. Which made me want to be one too, so that I could cure illness and save the world! =D

But I remembered clearly the two things that made me give up, regrettably...

One, fear! Fear of blood, fear of messing up someone's internal organs, fear of prescribing the wrong medicine, fear of shortening someone's life span; and possibly by a lot! =S

Two, because it involved way too much studying >.> How can you expect me to study about something as complex as the human body? The billions of billions of different drugs and symptoms and hundred and one ways the body can malfunction. No thank you!

So now I think I want to be a teacher, and mould young minds that will, in turn, become future doctors! I'm sure that that's even better? =D

*** Smiled at 5:23 PM ***

Monday, May 07, 2007


母:叫你坐在这里你就坐在这里啦!每次都是这样,乱乱跑来跑去,这是 bus hor 我跟你讲.
母:Appel, appel, 每次都是想吃Appel; 你以为我们家有种棵Appel树harh?
子:哦…那个是问我们有没有弟弟妹妹要上学啦;叫P1 Registration…
母:哦…你一个hor,已经够我烦了啦! Eh, 这个 leh? 为什么没有做colection?
母:已经讲多少次了;你的colection每次都一定要做!你看这些你全部都错错错!等一下你的考试喔,全部都不及格hor我跟你讲. 等一下回家我煮饭,你给我做完你的colection.做完才有饭吃hor.
母:And then 呢?为什么最后还是没有交?
子:我的friend跟我讲话,then 我忘记交…
母:讲骗话啦,讲骗话;我是你的mader hor,你不要以为我不知道你心里在想什么hor. 我跟你讲hor,你每次忘记忘记,等一下拜五突然间记得交给老师都是一大堆功课hor,老师会把你拉到那个office去,去看你的校长hor. Then 你的校长就会打电话给我hor, then你就会知道发生什么.

*** Smiled at 6:58 PM ***

Thursday, May 03, 2007

A Substitute for Coffee

Monkey's Milo

Milo Powder - 2 Teaspoons
Sugar - 2 Teaspoons
Banana Milk - 2 Dashes
Chocolate Milk - 2 Dashes

Mix everything together with hot water, then top with a heap of Milo powder and sugar.

Somehow I was out of coffee powder, so I decided to invent my very own drink to perk myself up, and it actually turned out to be pretty nice! (Fingers still crossed, though; that I won't get a stomach ache.)

*** Smiled at 10:08 PM ***

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I Can See A Rainbow!

The last time I saw a rainbow was on the 1st of January, and now I see one on the 1st of May. Funny trend huh. xD

Well seeing it this morning has given me some strength and hope in facing the impending storm... *gulp*

*** Smiled at 10:43 AM ***


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