Tuesday, June 27, 2006


If you scroll on down... You'll see my new tagboard! How cool is it! XD I saw Joseph using it and thought that it was so much nicer than the one I was using, so. x)(Flooble, was it?) Plus it's developed by a Singaporean company, go Singapore!

You can click on the 'i' button or just click HERE to get to their home page to get one! You can customize the whole thing; from the background to the fonts and the links and stuff. x)

Oh, and of course, TAG! ^^

*** Smiled at 10:47 PM ***

Friday, June 23, 2006

Life's Simple Pleasures

Name 10 of life's simple pleasures that you like most, and then pick 10 people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.

In no particular order:

1. Eating~! Eating, I think, is the best! There're chocolates, Wanton Mee, Nasi Lemak, Japanese food, Western food, desserts, sweets, veggies, burgers, salads, barbequed stuff, claypot rice, junk food, chicken rice, fishball noodles, pizza, maggi noodles, cookies, eggs and bacon, sandwiches, porridge...! Ahh I want to eat!
2. Cooking! This comes before eating, right! And it's just fun; you can be creative or just feel accomplished when at the end of it you've whipped up a great meal! (Although I can't cook much lah, but still!)
3. Waking up early in the morning! I just like it in the morning more than anytime else; the cool and fresh air, how the sky slowly brightens, and you just feel so much more... Revitalised!
4. Being with your family and friends! It's just great to hang out with your family at home, or at the occasional family days. x) And friends too! They make going to school fun. ^^
5. Hugging plushies! I dunno' lah, sometimes I just go to my room and hug all my plushies and I feel happier. ^^
6. Watching TV! Maybe I'm addicted to the TV. >.> But there's just so much to watch! Today I just watched a movie on Hallmark called My Sister and our Bus Rides, and a Korean movie called Little Brother on Du Hui Tai. Funny how both are about siblings, but they were both reallyreally touching and had me glued to the TV for 3 hours. x) Then at night comes my daily fix of HK dramas! x) At 8 there's Xue Jing Xiong Xin, then at 9 it's Lao Po Da Ren, then at 10 it's Ya Liao Jie De Jin Dan!
7. Listening to Music! Stefanie Sun! <3 OK lah, but not just her, there's The Corrs, Tanya, Jolin, Cyndi, Mayday, Guang Liang, Tao Zhe, FIR, Joi, Wang Fei, Jay, A Du, JJ...!
8. Chatting on MSN! Chatting with all my friends is the best. ^^
9. Seeing people happy and smiling! Especially when kids are happy after they run around like during our SL! Or when friends, family, adults, or even just strangers smile it's just nice to know that they're happy. ^^
10. Helping out! It's just great to know that you've helped someone do something; it can be a small little favour, or when you do community work! =D

The 10 People: Hmm, who hasn't been tagged...? Daniel, Bryan, Boey Yang, Herrick, Jason, Shane, Joseph, Gideon, Daryl, Wei Hua! Anyone else wants to do can also do lah!

*** Smiled at 8:35 PM ***

Friday, June 16, 2006

Joseph Asks A Hundred Questions!

#1 Full name? Kevin Wong.
#2 Name backwards? Gnow Nivek.
#3 Were you named after anyone? My parents got inspiration from that lil' Kevin from Home Alone! xD
#4 Meaning of name? Oh, according to those wooden keychain thingies 'Kevin' means 'Kind One'! ^^
#5 Nickname? Errr.... Baobei! Amd Guaizai! x)
#6 Screen name? Right now it's a line from Stefanie's Tian Hei Hei! I'd type it out but the Chinese characters'd become weird charcters, hmph.
#7 Date of birth? 27th October 1991.
#8 Place of birth:? Singapore!
#9 Nationality? Singaporean!
#10 Current location? Home lah, aiyoh.
#11 Star sign? Scorpio. *pinch*
#12 Religion? Freethinker.
#13 Height? I think it's 167 cm now...
#14 Weight? B'ah, light. >.>
#15 Shoe size? Err, I think it's 7.
#16 Hair colour? Black.
#17 Eye colour? Dark brown, I think.
#18 What do you look like? Erm, how am I supposed to answer this question? O_o
#19 Innie or outie? Err, you mean whether I like indoors or outdoors? If that's the case, then both! x)
#20 Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous? It'd be so cool if I'm a lefty or ambidextrous lor! But I'm not. >.>
#21 Gay, straight, bi, or other? Straight!
#22 Best friends? Lots! There's Kevin and Zhang Quan and Boey Yang and Daniel and Shaun and Bryan and Jason and Herrick and Wei Hua and Samuel and Michael and Joseph and Gideon and Shane and Jonathan and!
#23 Bbest friend you trust the most? I think that'd be Kevin... =)
#24 Favourite pals: I spent so long on #22!
#25 Best friends of the opposite sex? Hern Hern and Louisa and Sufen! Haha after all these SPMF weekends I think you gals are the closest. x)
#26 Best buddies? Hmph, this makes it really just 98 questions, so cheapo...
#27 Boyfriend or girlfriend? None...
#28 Crush? I dunno'...
#29 Parents? Err, 2 lah! XD
#30 Worst enemy:? Don't have! I very friendly de! x)
#31 Favorite on-line guys? Everyone!
#32 Favorite on-line girls? Everyone!
#33 Funniest friend? Hahaha, most of my friends are funny!
#34 Craziest friend? Hahaha, a lot of my friends are crazy too! XD
#35 Advice friend? Hmm, I ask lotsa' people for advice...
#36 Loudest friend? I think the whole gang is loud. XD
#37 Person you cry with? Err, myself...? >.>
#38 Any sisters? No leh... =(
#39 Any brothers? One younger bro. ^^
#40 Any pets? Ernnh, don't have leh... My dad has lotsa' fishes, though. And my brother has two terrapins; Turtle and Tortoise. XD
#41 A disease? Err, no... O_o Choi!
#42 A pager? Hahaha, I'm not as outdated as...
#43 A personal phone line? Err, yeah lah you mean my own number, right?
#44 A cell phone? Yeps.
#45 A lava lamp? Don't have leh...
#46 A pool or hot tub? I wish!
#47 A car? -_-
#48 Personality? Err, nice! xP
#49 Driving? I don't drive... And then in future I think I'll get a driving license but I'll take public transport. XD
#50 Car or one you want? A small little bright-coloured buggy. ^^
#51 Room? I like my room! My friends say that it's very roomy and cosy. ^^
#52 What's missing? I'm content. =)
#53 School? ACS(I)!
#54 Bed? Err, bed is bed lah. O_o
#55 Relationship with your parents? Good. ^^
#56 Believe in yourself: Yeps. =)
#57 Do you believe in love at first sight? I dunno'...
#58 Consider yourself a good listener: Yeah. Talk to me, guys; I'm willing to listen. =)
#60 Get along with your parents? Yeps.
#61 Save your e-mail conversations? Yeah...
#62 Pray? Sorta'...
#63 Believe in reincarnation? Don't think so.
#64 Like to make fun of people? Occasionally. =P
#65 Like to talk on the phone? Hai hao la. ^^ I don't love it like... =P
#66 Want to get married? Of course! <3
#67 Like to drive? Not very keen leh...
#68 Get motion sickness? Now and then...
#69 Eat the stems of broccoli? Then just eat the ballie thingies arh? O_o
#70 Eat chicken fingers with a fork? Err, if I have a fork in reach lor. XD
#71 Dream in color? Yeah what...! Unless you're a dog... -_- (Dogs see in black and white, right? Hehe.)
#72 Type with your fingers on home row? -_______________________- I type with my 2 index fingers... ._.|||
#73 Sleep with a stuffed animal? Cinnamoroll~! x)
#74 Right next to you? My dad who's on the sofa watching the World Cup! It's Holland playing against Ivory Coast right now.
#75 On the walls of your room? Hmm, lotsa' stuff... My Rikku poster! Pokemon jigsaw puzzle. XD Air-con. Clock.
#76 On your mouse pad? Tsubasa Chronicles; Syaoran and Sakura! ;)
#77 Your dream car? See #50... Only 97 questions!
#78 Your dream date? Hmm, it'd be just perfect. x)
#79 Your dream honeymoon spot? Anywhere with my wife... <3
#80 Your dream husband or wife? Someone who I love lots and who loves me lots. x)
#81 Your bedtime? Usually midnight.
#82 Under your bed? A bit of my brother's bed! Haha, you have to see my room's layout to understand. x)
#83 The single most important question? Are you happy?
#84 Your bad time of the day? I think it's the afternoon.
#85 Your worst fears? My fanily and friends in pain...
#86 The weather is? Fine.
#87 The time? 12.30 a.m.! 100 questions are a lot!
#88 The date? Well it was the 16th but now it's the 17th of June.
#89 The best trick you ever played on someone? I don't play tricks... I'm very nice wan. =P
#90 The weirdest food or drink that you like? I don't eat weird food!
#91 Theme song? Huh, I don't have a themr song... O_o
#92 The hardest thing about growing up? Being... Smarter. I wanna' be the young dumb ignorant me and play with my little toys. x_x
#93 Your funniest experience? Hmm... Lots. XD
#94 Your scariest moment? Hmm, dunno' leh...
#95 The silliest thing you've said? Dunno' also leh... x_x
#96 The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? Don't have leh... Not that despo. xP
#97 The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)? Dunno' leh...
#98 The worst feeling in the world? When your family and friends aren't happy.
#99 The best feeling in the world? When you know that your family and friends are happy, and so are you. ^^
#100 5 people to do this quiz? You can do it if you want lah! ^^

*** Smiled at 11:15 PM ***

Monday, June 05, 2006

Walking the Dog

Just a few streets away from my gramp's house (We call it 115 because that's the house number. XD Weird, I know, but.) is my grandaunt's house (Which we also affectionately call 79.), and every weekend they have a gathering of their own too; so all of my mum's and aunt's and uncle's cousins and nephews and nieces which are also my (Distant?) aunts and uncles and cousins gather there each week too. (Confusing? Hehe.) Sometimes, we have, like, a huge super wooper gathering and have a barbeque or a buffet or a potluck thing su'more!

This week wasn't one of those weeks, sadly. (Although we did have a barbeque last Saturday. ^^) But we paid a little visit there still, and there we found out that they got a new dog!

OK but first I needa' provide you with a little background info! Last time when I was reallyreally young, like, 3 years old, I think, there was this dog at 79 too. It's name was Oldie, and it was, from what I remember, a big black mean dog. It bit my right arm, how could it not be mean! So yeah I was sent to the hospital pronto, and I remember I was wailing and wailing and my whole extended family was there. >_____> And yeah ever since then I had a fear of dogs. -__-""

But now this dog is so cute lor~! It's name is Lucky and it's a cute white dog! (OK I have no idea what dog type it is.) But it's just reallyreally cute! And it's very guai also! It doesn't bark at all! Then it loves company, although he's tied to the gate he'll still keep trying to walk towards us! Like, walkwalkwalkwalk then woof, oh no I can't go any further! And then he'll keep going at it again and again! XD

Then my aunt told me that there was once he actually gnawed at the leash! But! He didn't escape or anything, he went straight to my aunt and started to lick her feet! x) Turns out he only wanted to get to her!

And then I got to walk Lucky! For the first time in my life, I walked a dog, and it's really quite fun! It's like holding a helium balloon, really! Really, really, really~! Then I'm really afraid that Lucky will run away so I'll hold on to the leash as tight as I would a helium balloon!

And then I'm also so afraid that I'd strangle Lucky by the collar! x_x So I don't dare pull too hard on the leash, but yeah, Lucky takes advantage of that to run all around and so I get pulled everywhere by him! But yeah it was real fun! We were walking along the road and then Lucky would runrunrun and I'd be pulledpulledpulled and then he'd stop at every pole and tree and lamppost to sniff it or something and then I'd have to nudge him to move along. XD

I think I like dogs now, they're so cute! Lucky has cured my fear of dogs!

*** Smiled at 6:54 PM ***


Loves - Family, Friends, Being Happy, Food, Colours, Balloons, Cute Stuff, Music, Dance, Taking Photos...



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