Monday, May 29, 2006

Tatty Tale

Tatty Teddy

I hope it ain't too small to see... If not just click on it and you'll see a bigger one. ^^

*** Smiled at 10:46 AM ***

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Perfect Lover

1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this "game" and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the SECOND time, there's no need to do this again.
5. The most important thing: HAVE FUN DOING IT! (:

Bryan Ong was the one who victimised me, hmph!

1. Likes the same stuff I like, sweet, pretty much thinks the same way I do, cute, good-natured, pretty, simple, loves me lots cos' I'll love her lots! ^^
2. Female.
3. I shall be nice and not victimise anyone, yay! =D But, err, you're welcome to do it if you want! XD

*** Smiled at 10:05 PM ***

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Keith's missing! And I'm terribly frustrated and distraught over it, urgh! I'm _so_ sure that I put it on Herrick's table in the morning like every other day, but this time, it goes missing?

I tell you, either Keith sprouted wings and flew away or Herrick's table ate it up. (OK fine, no, but, well, I dunno'!)

I tried thinking _logically_ and knew that it has got to be somewhere in class, right! I searched everywhere around Herrick's table, but I still can't find it. I've tried going down on all fours, searching bags, pencilcases and pockets but to no avail.

Then I thought; if it isn't in class, then the only other way'd be that Keith got flung out the window and flew down 5 whole stories. x_x So I tried looking for it during recess amongst the grass but it doesn't help that it's green. -_-

So now I'm stuck and don't know what to do next except to pay the fine and get a new one, but I'm so sure that it's _somewhere_! Keith can't possibly just disappear like this! Now I fear that Keith was actually stolen by someone. No one'd be that heartless, right?! But now I really don't know where it is and have no idea how to unlock this mystery.

Keith; stop playing hide-and-seek with me!

*** Smiled at 9:58 PM ***

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Paper Lilies

Hellohellohello! I know, this is so stupid; my blogposts are always separated by weeks upon weeks. x_x And then each time I just keep apologizing; I still remember that time when I said I'd post regularly! So much for trying, huh. But well, erm, I'll keep trying!


Yeah the exams are over, so yay! They weren't _that_ bad lah, I guess, but it's just Higher Chinese, Physics, and Geography that I'm worried about. x_x D'ah, will see when the results are out.

Anyway, we've all been enjoying our post-exam weekend! ^^ Such a nice and long weekend to rest and relax; school ended early at about 10am and we've got Friday as a holiday too! Been playing my Kingdom Hearts 2! And I just started Radiata Stories too! (While Jason has already finished it!) Watched MI:3! (Although I got a major headache after all that loudness of the action and the shakiness because of the so-called 'handheld' (Read: headache) effect. -_-") And have also been watching lots of TV! Chatting lots! Got the time to be blogging now! Going to watch Tsubasa later! Going to the airport tomorrow! (My aunts and gramps went to Hong Kong to maidongxichidongximaidongxichidongxi! XD)

Only thing's that it ain't the EOYs that have just went past; it was only the MYEs! On Monday it'll be back to schoolwork again, and we'll get our results, too! But well, we're having a nice break now and I'm not complaining. ^^


Tomorrow's Mother's Day! And yeah, I'm folding paper lilies for my mum this time round. ^^ The last 2 years I folded cranes, and thought that I'd better do something else this year. XD I just finished the cranes not too long ago, after taking super long to figure it out! Now they're nicely hidden somewhere under my computer table now. =D Only thing left now is to find some way to put it onto stalks and wrap them up like a real bouquet of flowers! If not then, well, I'll just have to give 'em like that... But I'll try and find a way!

If I can maybe I'll take a picture of my wonderful creation and post it up here tomorrow! ^^

*** Smiled at 11:54 PM ***


Loves - Family, Friends, Being Happy, Food, Colours, Balloons, Cute Stuff, Music, Dance, Taking Photos...



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A kind, sweet and romantic person, you will make someone very happy someday. You often do things for people without reason, and sometimes you are unappreciated. Peaches are appealing and full of feeling, just like you.

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