This morning, I found something scrawled in big blue ink on the wall down at my stair landing.
O$P$ #??-???
How freaky, this is the first brush with loansharks that I've ever had in my life! (Besides this the closest would be on Mediacorp TV dramas. >.>)
I hope I don't see a pig's head hanging from the ceiling down at the void deck next!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Butterflies and Ice Cream
Two things made me happy today; butterflies and ice cream. x)
I've no idea if it's just after the butterfly egg hatching season or something, but today I must've seen a total of around 7 butterflies. How cool is that, never seen so many before! Some butterflies I saw fluttering by in school, others I saw on the way home.
And ice cream! Rainbow Paddle Pop, hee, I loved this when I was a kid. (And I still do love it! ^^) I bought it from the little booth in the SAC; a Year 5 class was raising money for their Window on the World trip. Isn't it nice, I get an ice cream, and at the same time, it's for a good cause. 一举两得!
Tomorrow, I shall eat more ice cream! And hopefully there'll be more butterflies, too. x)
Friday, April 20, 2007
Me? Sick?
You know, I haven't fallen sick for 2 years already; I almost thought I was so healthy and immune to all forms of diseases.
But for once, I fell sick! I got a fever and really felt plain horrigible. And I vomitted a few times too; so that's what it tastes like. Yucks! I really never want to fall sick again.
But I guess one thing good about falling sick, is that you realise how much your friends care for you. Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it! ^^
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I think I've remembered most of the Hiragana liao! ^^ Now on to Katakana...
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hazelnut Hot Chocolate
I hereby declare Starbuck's Hazelnut Hot Chocolate as my official Changi Airport drink-of-choice -- Nothing beats having a nice hot cup of it in my hands, especially in the freezing cold airport at 5 a.m. in the morning.
My aunts welcomed me home from Melbourne last year with a cup of this in hand, and I distinctly remember the thick hazelnutty-chocolatey taste! I just knew I had to have one again this morning when I saw my aunts off, hee. Now I'm bent on having a cup of it everytime I'm at the airport. ^^
I never noticed that there were dandelions on the way home from the bus stop, until today.
What else do you do with dandelions but help send the seeds off on a journey with the wind?
Saturday, April 07, 2007
A Medicine Called Love
I've realised today how much my Papa loves me, even in the smallest of gestures <3
I've been coughing for the past few days, see, and this morning my dad was sending me to Raffles Institution for 'Wheel Art is Real Art', when he made an unexpected stop at a petrol station. "I'll go and get you some Strepsils," and he got out of the car before I could say anything. Maybe it was the quiet I had in the car alone that made me think.
Then when I got back home at around 6, I found a pot of barley being boiled. "This is for your cough," and my dad passed me a cup. It was lemon barley; my dad's special recipe, haha. x)
And guess what, my cough is really better now! Guess nothing works better than a medicine called love.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Fast Food Neighbours
You know I love food xD Out of all the fast food restaurants, I think my favourite few have got to be KFC, Long John Silver's and Mos Burger. I like the chicken from KFC loads, Long John Silver's cheap Combo 1 is yummie, and so is Mos Burger's Teriyaki Chicken Burger (Except that Mos Burger is more expensive compared to the rest.).
But I guess I took things too far with my dream today, haha; I dreamt that the 2 HDB flats on the floor below me were said fast food joints! I saw myself queuing at KFC to get a Zinger and Cheese Fries for lunch =D
Too bad I woke up before I could have dinner at Long John Silver's xD But really, how cool would it be to have a fast food joint for a neighbour?
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Your 21st Birthday
On Saturday night I went to my "pseudo" cousin's 21st birthday! ("Pseudo" because she's my mum's cousin's daughter, haha) It was like any other birthday party, really; they got a caterer to prepare a buffet spread and had cake. =\
Which is what got my parents and aunts and the rest of the adults reminiscing, haha xD About their 21st birthdays and how it was so much more special. The adults said that for their 21st birthday parties they invited the entire extended family and all their friends, plus they'd leave the gate open and let anyone who wanted to join in come! Then they'd prepare all the food themselves and make their very own decorations and put them up. And they'll play games! (Yes, even at 21 years old xD) Plus my mum said that they'd get a disco ball and everyone'd dance the night away.
In other words it was like some grand event where everyone would celebrate your obtaining the key to adulthood. Yet now people who turn 21 don't do much anymore.
With a good appetite, you may either love to cook, or just love to eat! Being a laid-back kind of person, you enjoy the simple things in life. That's okay, because you don't like things moving too fast, anyway.
A kind, sweet and romantic person, you will make someone very happy someday. You often do things for people without reason, and sometimes you are unappreciated. Peaches are appealing and full of feeling, just like you.